The definition of virtual nation state is almost identical to the items below describing a traditional nation state – for which there are five broad criteria:
- Territory – there must a space claimed and occupied by the nation.
- VS believes this is outdated thinking – that states can be defined by shared values and wealth generation, while physical territory continues to become less meaningful.
- Population – the state must have people and those people must have an identity.
- All citizens of VS will be granted an identity. With that identity VS citizens can participate fully in the social, political and economic activities within the state.
- Government – A government must have legitimacy and a recognized legal right to exist.
- VS believes governments exist at the will of the people. That a government is accountable for managing the smooth running of the state and is willing to defend its sovereignty.
- Legitimacy – The state gains legitimacy in two ways, a) given by its people, and b) recognition by other countries.
- VS knows that other countries will be slow to recognize it. Nonetheless, the legitimacy of VS granted by its people will, eventually, become too compelling for physical states to ignore.
- Sovereignty – The state can exercise absolute power within its territory.
- VS believes that its power derives from shared values and common purpose and will defend its sovereignty to the utmost extent.